Dear Friends,
On April 24th, we enjoyed a wonderful celebration of the 38th Anniversary of the Best FriendsTM Program! Founded in Lexington, Kentucky by Virginia Bell and David Troxel, the pioneering approach recognizes the need for a person with dementia to have a “Best Friend” who knows their life story and treats them with dignity, respect, and love. The celebration culminated with the announcement that Christian Care’s Board of Directors established the Virginia Bell Best FriendsTM Endowment Fund in honor of Virginia’s 100th birthday. This fund will support new Directors who will continue this amazing legacy of being a Best FriendTM to those with Dementia. Our goal for the Endowment Fund is $1,000,000 that will support the Best FriendsTM Center Director position in perpetuity. We are already out of the gate with $20,000 in seed money for the fund!

Pictured is Tonya Cox, who has been involved with the Best FriendsTM Program for over 27 years. Mentored by Virginia Bell, Tonya has devoted her career to training, supporting and nurturing others in the Best FriendsTM Approach. Also pictured is Taylor Pennie, who is one of the most recent mentees with seven years of service. Taylor has spent countless hours supporting families, staff, and the community in the Best FriendsTM Approach. Both women have a passion to serve that blossomed under the Best FriendsTM Mentorship.
We invite you today to consider a pledge, a one-time gift, or a planned legacy gift to The Virginia Bell Best FriendsTM Endowment Fund. Your gift will ensure that Virginia’s legacy will continue for families in need. Simply choose your gift amount and select the Virginia Bell Best FriendsTM Endowment Fund from the drop-down menu or make a note in the comment box. Thank you for your ongoing support of this amazing approach to caring for those with dementia and their families.
Mary Lynn Spalding
President & CEO